Monday 20 July 2009

Movie bans in Malaysia.

For once, a ban that’s been ruled in my favour.

The Malaysian movie and television are banned from showing rempit films, which I agree. No glorifying them stupid rempits.

And as for the transvestite ban rule, I’m quite ok with it. I have no problems with lesbians, gays, bisexuals but I have quite an aversion (maybe it’s too strong a word but it’s the closest I could find) towards cross-dressers. ESPECIALLY men dressing as women. It’s just unsightly. Women dressing as men, that’s quite ok, coz sometimes I find myself looking at those girls and think, “Wow, this one would have made a good-looking man.” But usually when a man dresses as a woman, he ends up looking disgusting. So, yeah. Kudos to the ban imposed.

And I would like to suggest some additional bans. Bollywood movies with heroes wielding a parang and killing through tens, hundreds of people without getting hurt, those kind of movies oughta be banned. Them stupid local indian ah bengs think they are glorified if they are gangsta enough. That’s why they are so violent. These movies should be banned! Grr…


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