Tuesday 1 April 2008

Do I quit or not...

Do I want to quit or do I continue with school?

I can predict the looks I will get, 5months from now when it will be obvious.

Then everyone will be giving me stares, like I've done something that equivalent to murder...

But I can't quit, I'm so close to my final year...

But what choice do I have? Stay at home and be a housewife?

Struggle with my life when I haven't even started to live it?

The morals of it. If I be selfish, people will curse me, saying that I killed a life.

If I do nothing about it, I might blame myself for not being selfish...

The signs are getting obvious: the loss of appetite, the nauseousness...

I need to make a decision before it's too late...

And of all times to find out that it's happening...

I don't know what to do...

What do I do?


Edrea said...


Scare me!!!

Hahaha....anywayz, nice one!

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